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Disaster Management

Strengthening climate/weather and hydrological observing, forecasting and water management systems to enhance adaptive capacity of smallholder farmers to droughts and ­foods, Budget: USD 3.6 (SLR 533 million)

Interventions for this output will include providing access to weather/climate related knowledge, such as advice on future seasonal conditions (for agricultural planning) and early warning of storms and flooding for flood and water management including planning of water release from irrigation tanks Participatory co-development of tailored advisories (with FOs, farmers, DAD and ID) will ensure that weather and climate information is incorporated into decision making in agricultural and water management in the three river basins. Satellite-based estimates of rainfall generated through this Output will be used to extend advisories to areas not covered by the ground-monitoring network, hence reducing reliance on the network of rain gauges. Participatory meetings and inter-agency workgroups will utilize feedback from FOs, farmers and VIS water managers to develop advisories for agriculture and water management. Different media (TV, radio and mobile technologies) will be used for dissemination of warnings to reach all parts of society, particularly women. This Output also addresses capacity barriers at local level to plan for and identify response measures to warnings and advisories.



River Basins




Direct Beneficiaries


Indirect Beneficiaries

Key activities: – Strengthen climate and hydrological observing and forecasting system – Improved generation, modelling, and dissemination of weather/climate/hydrological information in the river-basins – Establish 05 Agro-meteorological stations, 10 automatic rainfall stations in the river basins and 50 water level sensors at sub-watershed level – A comprehensive and farmer-friendly set of advisories and warnings will be delivered in a timely manner for agricultural planning – Flood inundation mapping and data transmission/ information sharing for timely ‑flood early warning

Summary of Trainings conducted in 2021

No Date Venue Lot No Awareness/ ToT Sinhala Name of the Training Male Female Total
21st Jan 2021
Lot 01
1.2 Awareness
Cascade Water Resource Development and Management Planning

Cumulative Progress up to July 2021

3.1 Establish effective monitoring systems for drought, floods and water management

Meteorological Observation Network

Hydrological Monitoring Network

3.2 Co-develop and disseminate weather and climate-based advisories

3.3 Develop climate-risk management and response measures to advisories


Output 3 : Activities conducted in 2021 ( Q1 and Q2)

3.1 Establish effective monitoring systems for drought, floods and water management

Capacity Building – Dept of Meteorology

Use of Gauge reading by Farmers in 104 VIS

3.2 Co-develop and disseminate weather- and climate-based advisories

Weather Forecast/ Agro Met Advisories

Dissemination tools

Application of Advisories

  1. Land preparation, timely cultivation, harvesting 
  2. Reported some yield losses due to delayed cultivation, overcast, weed control

3.3 Develop climate-risk management and response measures to advisories

Flood Risk & Vulnerability Assessment in 3 river basin

Real time Flood forecasting model -Mi Oya for ID

Strengthened Disaster Preparedness & EW

Output 3 : Remaining activities of 2021

3.1 Establish effective monitoring systems for drought, floods and water management

3.2 Co-develop and disseminate weather-and climate-based advisories

3.3 Develop climate-risk management and response measures to advisories

Output 03 Strengthening climate and hydrological observing and forecasting systems to enhance water management and adaptive capacity of smallholder farmers to drought and floods

A) Physical Progress

No Key Activity Total Target Quantity 2017 - 2020
Completed During The Period
Balance Quantity
Expected Target Quantity
Balance Beyond 2021 To Continue
Establish effective monitoring systems for drought, floods and water management
AWS – 15, AWLRs- 30 Manual RG- 150
MRG- 295
MDG- 295
MSG- 294
AWS – 15 (100%),
AWLRs- 7(23%),
MRG- 150 (100%)
MDG- 104 (35%)
MSG- 97 (32%)
AWLRs- 23
MDG- 191
MSG- 197
AWLRs- 15
MDG- 78
MSG- 78
AWLRs- 8
MDG- 113
MSG-  119
Co-develop and disseminate weather- and climate-based advisories
77 ASC
 40 ASC (51%)
 8 ASC
Develop climate-risk management response measures based on advisories and forecasts
WM advisories - 50 Cascades/DWS,

Flood EW - 25 DSD

VDPP - 42
WM Advisories -  8 cascades+ 5DWS ( 26%)

Flood EW– 8DSD (32%)

VDPP – 24 (57%)
42 Cascades/DWS

  Flood EW- 15 DSD

VDPP - 18
5 Cascades/DWS

  Flood EW- 7 DSD

  VDPP – 12
27 Cascades/DWS

  Flood EW- 7 DSD

  VDMP - 6

B) Beneficiary Target Achievement

No Key Activity Total Target 2017 - 2020
Achieved During The Period
Balance To Achieve
During The Year Achievement Target
Balance To Archive Beyond 2021

Establish effective monitoring systems for drought, floods and water management

Develop climate-risk management response measures based on advisories and forecasts
82,000 (18%)
Co-develop and disseminate weather- and climate-based advisories
270,000 (51%)