Discover Sri Lanka's Ancient Waters

Outputs Of The Projects

VIS Rehabilitation

Upgrading village irrigation systems and promoting climate resilient farming practices in three river basins of the Dry Zoon: USD 21.04(SLR3, 113Million)

Safe Dirking Water

Enhancing Decentralized water supply and management solutions to provide access to safe drinking water to vulnerable communities: Budget:USD 9.9

Disaster Management

Strengthening climate / Weather and hydrological observing, forecasting and water management systems to enhance adaptive capacity

Climate Smart Agriculture

Amongst numerous activities which improve the resilience of climatic vulnerable farmers, measures to enhance the agriculture-based livelihoods of smallholder farmers have taken a very significant place

Rain Water Harvesting: Safe adequate drinking water all year round

Rekeula GN Division in Polpithigama is a dry area in Kurunegala District. This area gets rain during few months of the year. Since there is a very deep ground water table, villagers face difficulties to find water rest of the year, especially safe drinking water.

Adapting to climate change through water management

Rekeula GN Division in Polpithigama is a dry area in Kurunegala District. This area gets rain during few months of the year. Since there is a very deep ground water table, villagers face difficulties to find water rest of the year, especially safe drinking water.

Awaken the Future Dream

Seven Approaches in Cascade Water Management


Lakes & Bunds Improvement

Enhance lakes and bunds for better water retention and management.


Safe Drinking Water

Ensure the supply of clean and safe drinking water.


Groundwater Restoration

Replenish and conserve underground water resources.


Climate-Resilient Agriculture

Promote farming practices that adapt to climate change.


Aquifer & Environment Conservation

Protect aquifers and support environmental sustainability.


Lake Bund Resilience

Strengthen lake bunds against climate impacts and develop maintenance systems.

Disaster & Community Preparedness

Build institutions for disaster risk reduction and empower communities.

Success Stories
